Urban Ecology Forum Members
Name and Institution | CV | |
Dave Barlow Environmental Strategy Lead, Manchester City Council. |
d.barlow@manchester.gov.uk | |
John Box No affiliation. Telford. |
john.box@knowlebox.co.uk | |
Ambra Burls Researcher/consultant Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH)/Ecohealth/green health - Bangor University. |
a.burls@btopenworld.com | |
Mark Champion, Wigan Projects Manager, Lancashire Wildlife Trust. Wigan |
mchampion@lancswt.org.uk | |
Samantha Davenport Greater London Authority. |
Samantha.davenport@london.gov.uk | |
Ian Douglas School of Environment, Education and Development, University of Manchester. |
i.douglas@manchester.ac.uk | |
Paul Evans Freelance writer and broadcaster. |
paulevans931582@aol.com | |
Peter Frost Senior Urban advisor, Natural Resources Wales. Bangor. |
peter.frost@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk | |
David Goode Visiting Professor, University College London. Bath. |
Nick Grayson Climate Change and Sustainability Manager, Birmingham City Council. Birmingham. |
nick.grayson@birmingham.gov.uk | |
David Haley Idependent artist, eco-pedagogue, consultant and Visiting Professor at Zhongyuan University of Technology. |
davidhaley@yahoo.com | |
John Handley CURE, School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester. |
john.handley@manchester.ac.uk | |
Jane Houghton Natural England |
jane.houghton@naturalengland.org.uk | |
Philip James Professor of Ecology, University of Salford. Salford. |
p.james@salford.ac.uk | |
Nigel Lawson (Treasurer) School of Environment, Education and Development, University of Manchester. |
nigel.lawson@manchester.ac.uk | |
Sarah Lindley School of Environment, Education and Development, University of Manchester. |
sarah.lindley@manchester.ac.uk | |
John Little The Grass Roof Company. |
grassroofcompany@gmail.com | |
Grant Luscombe Honorary Member. |
luscombe123@gmail.com | |
Alison Millward Director, Alison Millward Associates Limited, Birmingham. |
alison.millward@talk21.com | |
Kerry Morrison Independent Artist and Ecologist |
Kerry@in-situ.org.uk | |
Paul Nolan Mersey Forest. |
paulnolan@merseyforest.org.uk | |
Julie Procter Greenspace Scotland. |
julie.procter@greenspacescotland.org.uk | |
Joe Ravetz School of Environment, Education and Development, University of Manchester. |
joe.ravetz@gmail.com | |
Terry Robinson Chair Outdoor Recreation Network. Minchinhampton, Stroud. |
robbierie@gmail.com | |
Elizabeth Rollinson Linnean Society. |
elizabeth@linnean.org | |
Alan Scott Complete Ecology. |
as@completeecology.co.uk | |
Richard Scott (Chair) National Wildflower Centre/Eden Project. |
rscott@edenproject.com | |
Victoria Sherwin Development Manager, Myatt’s Fields Park. |
Victoria.sherwin@gmail.com | |
Peter Shirley Independant Consultant. |
petershirley047@gmail.com | |
Danielle Sinnett Associate Professor in Green Infrastructure and Deputy Director Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environment, University of the West of England. |
Danielle.sinnett@uwe.ac.uk | |
Joanne Tippett Lecturer in Spatial Planning, Planning and Environmental Management, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester. Manchester. |
joanne.tippett@manchester.ac.uk | |
Vincent Walsh Circular Economy Specialist. |
drvincentwalsh@icloud.com | |
Tim Webb (Secretary) Communications Consultant |
tim65webb@icloud.com | |
Phil Wheater Professor Emeritus of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University. |
p.wheater@mmu.ac.uk | |
Niall Williams Landscape Architect and Urban Designer. |
Niall.will246@gmail.com |
Membership of UK Urban Ecology Forum
Members should have an active role in practice and/or research in Urban Ecology in the UK and be willing to play a role in advancing the frontiers of understanding and practice through the Forum. Members bring a wide range of experience, with experienced practitioners working together with those who are earlier on in their careers. All members are interested in pioneering new approaches. In considering new members, the Forum will:
- Keep in mind the need for young people early in their careers as well as those who are experienced.
- Seek inclusivity in all its aspects, particularly by taking account of the characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010 that protects the rights of individuals and advances equality of opportunity for all.
- Have members based in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland that comprise at least 10% of the total membership for each of these three geographical areas because the Forum is a UK body that is a member of the Global Stakeholder Forum of UN Habitat.
- Seek balanced representation from all Regions in England.
Candidates for membership of Forum must be proposed and seconded by an existing member. The candidate must provide the Forum with their CV together with a statement outlining the reasons for wanting to join the Forum and what experience and knowledge they can bring to the Forum. Applications will be put to members at a general meeting of the Forum for their formal approval. Membership of the Forum implies having an active participation in the affairs of the Forum.
The Chair and Honorary Secretary will monitor four targets for Forum membership. These will be reviewed at every Forum meeting to ensure definite actions are taken to achieve a diverse and inclusive membership. The four targets will be reviewed by 2025.
- Members based in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland should comprise at least 10% of the total membership for each of these three geographical areas by 2025.
- Parity in members who identify as male and female.
- BAME members should comprise at least 10% of the total membership (the UK population is around 13% BAME).
- Balanced representation from all Regions in England.